Show different names


mein Name ist Marco und ich mappe vorwiegend in einer kleinen Stadt in
Deutschland. Seit vielen Jahren mappe ich für OSM und bin darüber auf OHM
aufmerksam geworden.
Ich habe erstmal :slight_smile: drei Fragen bei denen ich nicht weiterkomme:

  1. Ein Gebäude erhielt erst den Namen “Gasthaus zum Berg”. Jahre später
    wurde es renoviert und umbenannt in “Hotel zum Berg”. Wie kann ich die
    unterschiedlichen Namen in iD anzeigen lassen?

  2. Einige Straßen erhielten immer mal wieder einen neuen Namen. Wie kann ich
    den anzeigen lassen?

  3. In einigen Jahren gibt es bestimmt die Möglichkeit sich Orte in 3D anzeigen
    zu lassen. Ist es sinnvoll, jetzt schon Gebäude zu beschreiben (Dach, Fassade)?
    Wie würde man am besten vorgehen, damit es in iD angezeigt werden kann?

Hallo Marco, danke für dein Interesse an OpenHistoricalMap! Ich hoffe, es macht dir nichts aus, wenn ich Englisch verwende; du kannst den :globe_with_meridians: Übersetzungsbutton für Deutsch verwenden.

You can draw a second overlapping building that shares all the same tags except for the name. Alternatively, you can move all the details about the building to two multipolygon relations that share the same outer way. In either case, make sure that the two instances of the building have start_date and end_date tags corresponding to the time periods in which the names were in use. You can also create a chronology relation to clarify that the two instances of the building are really the same building, not a case of one building replacing the other in reality.

In this case, it sounds like the building has always been used as an inn or hotel. But if it used to be a hotel and is now something very different like an office, then you would map the hotel and office as two points within the building area.

Similarly, you can draw a separate, overlapping street with a different name and different dates. The ways may need to share some intersection nodes for the purpose of a future routing service, but otherwise you don’t need to ensure that they’re fully connected to each other. In iD, if you want to draw a street that overlaps another street without connecting to it, you can hold down the Alt key (⌥ Option on macOS).

(Some mappers would like to use something like route relations for this instead, but the software doesn’t support it yet.)

Yes, you can tag building heights, roof shapes, and materials according to the simple 3D buildings specification. iD only has very limited support for mapping in 3D. You can only map the building parts, but you can’t visualize them very well. If you need to map more complex buildings, you could try the Kendzi3D plugin for JOSM.

The main map already uses vector tiles, so we only need to expose heights and building parts in the vector tiles in order to start rendering them in 3D.

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OHM iD could integrate RapiD’s 3D buildings preview?

I don’t know how straightforward that would be, since the Rapid has completely rewritten the map part of the UI. But we’re experimenting with the possibility of configuring Rapid for OHM:

@Minh_Nguyen Thanks for your detailed answers. :slightly_smiling_face: I think I’m going to use your second suggestion (“to two multipolygon relations that share the same outer way”). It should be not so difficult for me.

I don’t want to draw one building twice or three times. If I want to edit one of them, I have to move the other ones.

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That’s true. Sometimes this style is unavoidable, such as when a building moves over time or the geometry changes in a complex manner. When I map multiple features, I have them share as many nodes as possible. Then I can navigate among the features by selecting one of them, going to the chronology relation, and going to one of the other buildings. Or I can select one of the shared nodes, press Ctrl, and choose one of the selected buildings from the list in the sidebar.

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