Google summer of code 2024: Hello!


My name is Pedro and I’m glad to be joining OpenHistoricalMap for GSoC 2024! I’m a computer science undergrad at Unicamp, in Campinas, Brazil, and this project is my first time working on an open source project, which makes me super excited!

The project

In this project I will be working on the ID editor. More specifically, I will be developing an update to the Sources field to structure the different varieties of that field, like handling multiple sources and specifying sources to each of the other fields. With these changes, users would be encouraged to add sources to each feature in a more predictable way.

Goals to reach during the summer:

  • Design the changes to be made to the sources field
  • Implement the new field either on schema-builder and id-tagging-schema or directly on ID
  • Get feedback from the community on the new functionality

Feel free to ask any questions on the comment section!


@Pedro_Leao - WELCOME ABOARD!!! We are so excited to have you here. You’re in good hands with @Minh_Nguyen as your mentor. He’s not only an OHM advisor and a former OSM-US Board Member, but an all-around tech and community guru.

I’m personally excited to see what you come up with, as I’m a huge fan of the source=* tag. I’m sure I’ll be following your efforts in a variety of channels (hello, github & staging!) :wink: , but I hope you’ll post other progress updates to the community here in the forum.

Hope you’re settling in well and looking forward to seeing you in our meetings!!

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