Failure to load in iD leads to much faster OHM, thanks to CGI-map!

We were at first vexed and then later delighted when a bug loading data in iD led us to discover some big performance improvements for

The details are in this Github Issue. @Minh_Nguyen was trying to map in an area in San José, California, but the data kept failing to load.

We thought we might need to just throw more resources at the server, but a timely comment from OSM contributor MMD helped steer us in the right direction.

Ruben from Development Seed got the MUCH faster CGI-map configured, and now let’s hear from Minh directly how much faster everything is:

CGImap has dramatically improved my experience as a contributor to OpenHistoricalMap. Before, I could barely upload boundary relations without JOSM timing out and retrying, and using iD sometimes felt like reverting to a dialup connection. Now I can upload and download without going out for a walk while I wait.


Welp, spoke too soon on this. We discovered this week as we struggled with a breakage in Tasking Manager, that part of our CGI map implementation includes a URL redirect that broke Tasking manager, just when a large group of mappers in France were about to use TM for their mapping of 19th century roads,

After much struggle, we made the tough choice to temporarily roll back CGI Map so the mapathon could continue. Lots more detail in this ticket. We hope to have CGI Map back up and running, including with Tasking Manager, very soon

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