Where should we (better yet... you!) talk about OHM? Conference & event lineup 2024!

Hi all!

We need your help getting the word out about OpenHistoricalMap to a wider audience.

If you’ve ever wanted to talk about how you’re using OHM or knew of an audience who might want to learn more about OHM, please share your thoughts here.

We’re maintaining a list of currently-known events where we need speakers, but this list is missing tons of opportunities to speak at smaller, more local events.

The same list is included here to see if we can get some conversation flowing:

Event Location Date Proposals Due Topics Speakers
OSM US Mappy Hour Online 21 Feb n/a general update Jeff, Minh, Richard
Geo4LibCamp Univ of MN 20-24 May tbd tbd tbd
IIIF Los Angeles 4-7 Jun 6 Feb tbd tbd
SotM US Salt Lake City 6-8 Jun 29 Feb the great outdoors tbd
SotM EU Łódź, Poland 18-21 Jul 30 Apr tbd tbd
SotM Global Nairobi, Kenya 6-8 Sep tbd tbd tbd
NACIS Tacoma 16-18 Oct tbd tbd tbd
OSM US Mappy Hour online tbd/Nov? n/a tbd tbd
GIS Day everywhere 20 Nov n/a tbd tbd
FOSS4G Belém, Brazil 1-8 Dec n/a tbd tbd

Other Opportunities

  • Historical/Preservation Society meetings
  • University GIS weeks/days
  • Wiki Events
  • IIIF conference

And, if you’re uncomfortable brainstorming in public, please just drop a note in the Forum chat (the bubble in the upper-right corner).

Ok - 2 sessions proposed for SotM US -

  • State of the OpenHistoricalMap 2024 - 15m talk - This session will provide an overview of the health of the OpenHistoricalMap project, as measured by active user growth, data contributed, supporting systems that are in place, as well as by reviewing plans for the next 12 months.
  • New to OHM? Mapping America’s Shrinking Glaciers - 60m workshop - We’ll use this session to introduce new users to OpenHistoricalMap, to show how it can be used to map change over time, and to show off the range of familiar OSM tools available to OHM users, including OSMCha, Tasking Manager, and TagInfo.

I have submitted a proposal for a 15 minute general interest presentation.

Turbulent Water: Showing the Historical Extent and Impact of Natural and Human Activities in OHM
Historic (and prehistoric) changes in water levels, some due to dam building and others resulting from natural processes have had significant influence on geography. These changes can be mapped, as can some of the impact. Several examples are given along with their OpenHistoricalMap depictions, including a dam breaking and another that may burst in the near future.

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Note that SOTMUS extended their deadline to March 8, so not too late to propose more talks there!

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Dave - that talk sounds awesome. Dams about to burst? Crazy. Looking forward to it!

FOSS4G North America will be in St. Louis September 9–11. They’re accepting talk proposals on a rolling basis until they run out of slots, no later than June 30. The call for proposals explicitly names OpenStreetMap, so an OHM talk would be a good fit and probably a novel idea to the organizers. Would anyone be interested in submitting a proposal or at least attending to represent our project?

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