Volunteers needed! (anything and everything - not just mapping :) )

Howdy! :wave:t4:

Ever get tired of mapping (I can’t imagine that!) but still want to be engaged and help out with the greater OHM community (heck yes!), we have plenty of opportunities and needs for assistance in making our community even better than it already is.

If you or someone you know might be interested in helping in any of the following areas, please let us know - we’d love to get more hands on deck!

  • Event planning and coordination - for example, local or regional maptimes, meetups, geogroups, historical societies, digital humanities organizations, schools, etc.
  • Communications - helping with our social media, newsletters (OSM-US), blog posts, etc.; help us spread the word to libraries, historical societies, schools, and the like.
  • Documentation - we need help! Everything from how to get started, working backward from current data, importing, warping - you name it. All of this could be better documented.
  • Forum Moderation - it’d be great to have some moderators who’d help shoulder the load of monitoring activity. This might include Slack and Discord patrolling, whatever floats your boat. (too many nautical metaphors?)
  • Instructors - are you great in front of a room or a crowd or even 1:1? You could be a go-to resource for getting others up to speed.

The bottom line is: we could use help in any way you’d like to help out & we’d love to have you on the wider OHM coordination team. :facepunch:t3: