OpenStreetMap U.S. 2024 community survey

OpenStreetMap U.S. is conducting a community survey to help determine its long-term strategic priorities:

OpenHistoricalMap is a charter project of OSMUS, so all of you are also an important part of OSM’s U.S. community, wherever you happen to live or map. This is an entirely voluntary survey, and you can leave any field blank if you don’t feel comfortable responding to it. That said, your participation in this survey will help ensure that OHM is part of the conversation as OSMUS conducts outreach efforts and plans infrastructure improvements that could benefit our project.

The survey closes on 2025-01-03T08:00:00Z.

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Highly encourage everyone to have a word here. Even if you aren’t in the US, if you use OHM, you’re involved in an OSMUS charter project, so we need you to weigh in.