How can a line be simply divided into equal portions other than 2?

Hello. I have been working on various developments in Florida from the 1920s land boom era, and one persistent problem I have had is that there is no effective way, via the editor, to divide a line into equal fifths (or sixths, sevenths, ninths, tenths, elevenths, etc.). This is a major problem because many of these developments have since been built over (often in the 1940s-1960s), so the streets cannot simply be traced via aerial imagery, and quite a number of developments were platted with 5 blocks per 1/16-of-a-section. I therefore have to just guess where one street will be so I can then divide the rest equally by 4, which often has undesirable results.

Here are some examples of plats with which I have this issue: Example Odd-Divided Plats - Album on Imgur

Ideally, it would be helpful if I could just right-click a line and click, for instance, “Divide into Fifths”, or something of that sort. Otherwise, I would appreciate some sort of workaround, as this gets incredibly frustrating (especially as I am a perfectionist when it comes to these things).


Is there a way to overlay plat images over the map in the editor? This would be helpful to add various subdivisions with sweeping curves; for instance: Putnam Gardens Plat

Thank you in advance.

TZLNCTV (aka chesapeake256)

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JOSM has a tool that enables this. If you have six dots in a straight line, for example, they will be arranged with equal distance.

I know the feeling! JOSM has a plugin called Gridify that’s very good at this. A port to iD has been waiting for review for a couple years. The author maintains a fork of iD that includes this feature, but unfortunately it’s only configured for OpenStreetMap. Short of building the fork and manually configuring it for OpenHistoricalMap (a hassle), the more likely workaround is to open the Measurement panel[1] and draw plumb lines that extend the correct distance.

This guide to tracing old maps details the process of tracing from old maps. This 1928 plat map is in the public domain, so you have several options for georectifying the map. Map Warper is an easy option for out-of-copyright maps. If you don’t mind uploading the image to Wikimedia Commons, Wikimaps Warper is even easier, integrating directly with iD.

  1. CtrlShiftM on Windows, ⇧⌘M on macOS. ↩︎

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