Amenities mapped as nodes not being displayed on historical map layer

I’ve noticed that amenities (eg amenity=pub) mapped as nodes appear to be no longer being rendered on the historical map layer (the railway layer is OK though). See the test area for example and compare the historical and railway layers - OpenHistoricalMap. I think amenities mapped as areas though are being rendered correctly.

Is this an issue which people are aware of? It seems to have been happening for a while.


Thanks for the report. It looks like both the Historical and Railway styles have some issues around amenity=* features:


By way of an update, we fixed the issue in the style on staging, so you can see amenity labels on the embed site with the staging layer enabled. We tried to deploy these changes to production for the main site yesterday, but some unrelated changes broke the time slider, so we had to roll back the deployment. Unfortunately, we won’t be able to get amenity labels back on the main site until we modernize the time slider to handle the more recent changes to the stylesheet.

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Looks like this issue is now fixed, as seen in the rendering test area: