Navigate to a longitude, latitude, and date

Hello there;
First day and need help to show Longitude and latitude on the starting map, desired date 1825? Pls help.

Welcome to OpenHistoricalMap!

To navigate to a specific coordinate pair, enter it into the search box in the upper-left corner of the map. You can enter the coordinate pair with either latitude before longitude or vice versa, in either decimal and degree-minute-second format. You can also search for place names and addresses using this search engine.

To navigate to a specific date, drag the slider in the panel at the bottom-right corner of the map. By default, the slider only extends 200 years before the current year, but you can change the range using the controls at the top of the panel. You can also click the :pencil2: button to manually set the date to a specific date.

In addition to these controls, you can also set the center coordinate and date by adjusting the URL. For example, this view of New Orleans has map=12/30.0000/-90.0000 in the URL, which means the map is at zoom level 20 and centered at 30 degrees north latitude, 90 degrees west longitude.