Messy rendering

Something seems to be wrong with the rendering. Old tracks are rendered as well as new ones it seems.
Tracks double

And can a moderator change my name? It should be FokkeMe100Ju (with a k).
It’s probably derived from Fokker the aeroplane builder.

It’s a big problem with ways added last thursday, just some examples:

I asked the developers to take a look.

Are you able to change the name in your preferences to match your OHM user name? I or another moderator can do it for you, but it’s probably safer for you to do it on your own, in case it affects it affects anything about authentication (not sure).

I can’t change my user name.

I’ve renamed your account for you.

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Thanks :smiley: (one two three to get to 20 characters)

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I see loads of free floating traffic lights.
It reminds us of the fact that everything needs start and end dates.
For my part I have to look up railroad switches and date them.

Hey @FokkeMe100Ju , We have just deployed the new infrastructure for the tiler service, seems the issue is gone.

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It is visible on level 11 and level 19, bot not on level 12-17.

@Rub21 zoomlevel 18 refuses to update on my pc. I emptied the cache of Firefox.
Thanks for your efforts.